IoT-Week 2013 - The Event on IoT technologies, Innovation and Businesses

The objective of the IoT Week is to unite the IoT community by offering a platform for presenting the latest news on relevant research topics, providing political and societal insights and offering networking opportunities. The event is organized by the European Integrated Project IoT-A (Internet of Things - Architecture) together with several research projects from the IERC European Research Cluster for the Internet of Things, such as BUTLER, Icore, PROBE-IT, IoT-Est, IoT6, CALIPSO, EAR-IT. Consequent support and input for discussions will be insured by the IoT Forum (

When 16 June 2013 12:00 AM to
30 June 2013 12:00 PM
Where Scandic Marina Congress Center
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The Internet of Things is no longer talking to the innovation or trend watching units.
The business units have gone beyond optimising and fine-tuning efficiency to the utmost. They are sensing a huge market.
In line with current strategic developments in the Internet of Things, the programme of the IoT Week 2013 is based on four topics:

1)    General opening keynote addresses by policy actors and industry representatives as well as presentations from a global perspective of the Internet of Things
2)    IoT technologies with several sessions on actual research undertaken on IoT architecture, IP and cognitive technologies, semantic interoperability, etc… 
3)    IoT solutions as the essential and core ingredient and motor of the Smart Cities concepts
4)    IoT & entrepreneurship & business models 

During plenary sessions and interactive workshops participants from all over the world and with various background will have the chance to participate to debates like:
What will be the balance between intelligence in the Cloud (end to end) and intelligence at the edges (in the (robotic?) devices? How will a general audience react to a world where 'everything talks to everything'? Is privacy still a concept that developers can work with? Will IoT cut more jobs in an unstable economic climate or can it kick start a young and IT savvy generation to build apps and services with open data coming from real-time sensor streams? Which domains are currently most successful? How can we ensure interoperability? What are the main standardisation efforts? How far are the benchmarking efforts and strategies of smart cities? What should I be looking out for if I am a City Council? A citizen? A developer?

Come and Find out !

The objective of the IoT Week is to unite the IoT community by offering a platform for presenting the latest news on relevant research topics, providing political and societal insights and offering networking opportunities.
The event is organized by the European Integrated Project IoT-A (Internet of Things - Architecture) together with several research projects from the IERC European Research Cluster for the Internet of Things, such as BUTLER, Icore, PROBE-IT, IoT-Est, IoT6, CALIPSO, EAR-IT. Consequent support and input for discussions will be insured by the IoT Forum ( 

Contact: Laure Quintin

More information about this event…

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