IoT-A organises Workshop at IoT2010, Tokyo

60 participants attended WS session "From the INTRAnet of things to the INTERnet of Things" organised by IoT-A.

This session was dedicated to discussing and presenting the needs and requirements posed upon a universal architecture enabling the emergence of a true internet of things and to achieve the transition from an intranet of things to the internet of things. The speakers in the session presented the initial approach of the EU FP7 IoT-A project as well as of the European IoT cluster (IERC) towards establishing a truly applicable IoT architecture and will present and discuss the proposed European IoT strategy for establishing a world wide accepted concept for the web of things.

The presentations highlighted amongst others the technical challenges of establishing a federated universal Internet of Things Architecture and will also elaborate on barriers and roadblocks that are already visible today. Additionally, the concept of an IoT stakeholder group that is currently being established to gather requirements for the future IoT and to validate the intermediate steps of the architecture reference model was outlined. The stakeholder group shall federate all those institutions that are currently involved in the development of IoT applications, services, or are dealing with regulatory issues or expecting to become involved in this topic in the future.

Speakers (Presentations available for download by following the link):
Sebastian Lange - IoT-A Coordinator, Senior Consultant, VDI/VDE-IT, Germany

Peter Friess - Head of the IERC (IOT European Research Cluster), European Commission, Belgium

Noboru Koshizuka - Vice Director YRP UNL, Professor University Tokyo

Stephan Haller - Research Program Manager, SAP Research, Switzerland

>>> Related paper:"The Things in the Internet of Things"

Niko Hossain - Research Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute IML, Dortmund, Germany

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